My new years resolutions.

My New Years resolutions are the same every year, meet new people, visit new places and overcome new challenges. 2023 has been a constant year of growth, of meeting new people, visiting new places and overcoming new challenges, some of them that I never thought I would have to face but I overcame them. This December 31st I'm a better person than I was 365 days ago and that should be the most important porpuses we set for ourselves every year-end. A new year presents itself, with new challenges, objectives and I am sure that in 365 days we will be a little better. Happy end of the year and for a great 2024. --------------------------------------------------------- Mis propósitos de año nuevo son los mismos cada año, conocer gente nueva, visitar nuevos lugares y superar nuevos retos. 2023 ha sido un año constante de crecimiento, de conocer nuevas personas, visitar nuevos lugares y superar nuevos retos, algunos de ellos que nunca pensaba iba tener que enfrentar pero los supere. Este 3...